Acupuncture, KSNS/KSS, Acupressure, and Natural Herbal Medicine -
Andrew Kim / 604-671-1007, John Lee/778-875-7306
Acupuncture Initial Session
It combines with KSNS, Infrared Heat Therapy, Acupressure Massage, Cupping, Electro_needle, or Tapping Therapy when they are needed
Acupuncture Follow up
60 min
It combines with KSNS, Infrared Heat Therapy, Acupressure Massage, Cupping, Electro_needle, or Tapping Therapy when they are needed
Acupuncture Follow up
45 min
It combines with Infrared Heat Therapy, Acupressure Massage, Cupping, Electro_needle, or Tapping Therapy when they are needed
No Extra Charges
Acupuncture ICBC Claim
up to 45 min
$0 (at clinic)
It combines with KSNS, Infrared Heat Therapy, Acupressure Massage, Cupping, Electro_needle, or Tapping Therapy when they are needed
Natural Herbal Medicine
1day: $13, 10 days: $120, 15 days: $175 +gst
We offer concentrated extract granules form of the medicine.